
Industry News

SFMA’s PR program continues to advance sports turf managers

August 30, 2018

SFMA’s public relations program continues to gain national, regional and local attention for members’ field management practices. In July, SFMA received 25 publicity hits that resulted in a reach of

New Mexico U study says synthetic turf doesn’t save watering costs

August 30, 2018

According to a report from Kyle Hanson, KVIA News, El Paso TX, many cities and school districts across the Borderland have been replacing natural grass fields with artificial turf to

Plant-based infills gain traction in turf market

August 30, 2018

According to an article by Paul Steinbach in the July/August issue of Athletic Business, an increasing number of companies — not only turf system manufacturers, but also others that don’t

Free webinar available through Sept 4

August 30, 2018

SFMA is offering free access to the 2018 SFMA Conference presentation of “Topdressing and Cultivation for Your Athletic Fields: Part One” presented by Dr. Nick Christians and Dr. Adam Thoms. Accessible for free until Tuesday, September 4. The Webinar: Dr. Nick

How do you know the truth about Roundup?

August 28, 2018

From North Carolina State’s Turffiles’ Dr. Rick Brandenburg: There has been a lot in the news lately about the herbicide glyphosate (most know it as Roundup) and its potential health hazards.

Insane rain

August 28, 2018

From Rutgers Turf blogger Dr. Matthew Elmore: The summer of 2018 isn’t going away quietly for many in New Jersey. August 2018 will be remembered for a steady dose of torrential

Turfgrass nutrient demand and soil interpretations

August 28, 2018

From August 20 Turf iNfo, University of Nebraska: Plants selectively take up different nutrients. As a nutrient like phosphorus (P) is needed, the plant roots take them up. If it is

South Carolina has to resod after JayZ Beyonce show

August 28, 2018

According to the Associated Press, South Carolina is fully replacing its football field less than a week before the season opener after hosting a Jay-Z and Beyonce concert. Crews trucked in

Polimer elected NESFMA President

August 21, 2018

The nominating committee announced the results of the 2018-19 elections at the New England SFMA Summer Field Day on August 8 and Ben Polimer took over as NESFMA President. The

Dog days and cool-season grass

August 21, 2018

From Jim Murphy’s turfblog.rutgers.edu Cool-season lawn struggling to grow in shallow soil on a south-facing slope during dog days. According to Merriam-Webster, dog days is the period between early July and early