- Chapter Event Insurance Form (PDF)
- Chapter Event Insurance Form (Word Doc)
- 2024 Chapter Affiliation Agreement Form
- SportsField Management Magazine Chapter Member Subscription
- Submit Your Upcoming Event to be Featured on our Website.
SFMA and its affiliated chapters have a formal, legal relationship outlined in the annual affiliation agreement. Per that agreement, SFMA provides:
- SportsField Management magazine for each chapter member
- Chapter event liability insurance (as requested)
- National marketing material for events & use of survey software for elections, etc.
- One information page on SportsFieldManagement.org
- Chapter Board Training through a variety of methods
- One complimentary SFMA membership per year for the chapter to designate its user
- Two complimentary SFMA conference registrations per year
In return, affiliated Chapters need to provide the following annually by June 1:
- Signed Affiliation Agreement
- Officer List
- Complete membership list
- Year-end Financial Report (Simple, un-audited)
- Secretary of State In-Good-Standing Documentation
Chapter will also provide one time to SFMA Headquarters:
- Bylaws (when adopted, and as updates occur)
- Articles of Incorporation (when incorporated or if changes are made)