SFMA offers five awards programs to provide recognition to its members for their good work and contributions to strengthening the sports field management profession. Each program has its own criterion and separate submittal form. The deadline to self-nominate or nominate someone is Oct. 15, unless otherwise noted.
SFMA recognizes superior field management through the Field of the Year Program. The awards are given in football, baseball, softball, soccer and sporting grounds in three categories: professional level, college and university level, and schools and parks level. In addition to filling out an application, up to 30 photos detailing certain aspects of the field maintenance practices are required. These winners are notified of their award in November and are recognized during the SFMA annual conference in January. To find out more, click here.
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SFMA’s four founders, George Toma, Dick Ericson, Dr. William Daniel and Harry Gill, each have an award named after them. The criterion for each award differs; the intent is to recognize the individual characteristics of these men in each winner. These surprise awards are announced during the Awards Banquet, held on the last day of the SFMA annual conference. To find out more, click here.
This award is given by the SFMA President to an individual who has advanced the association, the profession and/or the industry. There is no set criteria or award application. The award winner is announced during the annual Awards Banquet, held on the last day of the conference. To see a list of previous winners, click here.