
Soccer Technical and Testing Standards

Natural Grass FIFA Natural Pitch Rating System May 27, 2022 https://digitalhub.fifa.com/m/58aa765dd3e85f26/original/FIFA-natural-pitch-rating-system_EN.pdf Test Manual for Natural Playing Surface Oct 4, 2021 https://digitalhub.fifa.com/m/4901b0f4f30f534f/original/FIFA-Quality-Programme-for-natural-playing-surfaces-October-2021-Edition-V-1.pdf FIFA Natural Turf Guidelines Jan 25, 2023 https://digitalhub.fifa.com/m/13a9ba8e47d968ea/original/FIFA-Natural-Turf-Guidelines.pdf Test Locations Highlights from FIFA Natural Pitch Rating System Synthetic Turf FIFA Quality Programme for Football Turf – Test Manual I: Test Methods Apr 2024 https://digitalhub.fifa.com/m/7cfc3106515eb3e2/original/FIFA-Quality-Programme-for-Football-Turf-Test-Manual-I-Test-Methods-April-2024-edition.pdf […]

Feature Video

Athletic Field Soils and How to Manage Them Barry Stewart, Ph.D. of Mississippi State University lends his expertise on athletic field soils and shares best practices for managing them. This presentation was given at last month's annual conference in West Palm Beach, Florida.  To access all of the recorded education sessions from the 2020 Conference, [...]


Microcredential program coming soon! If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer McLendon at jmclendon@sportsfieldmanagement.org or 800-323-3875.

SFMA’s Technical Education Bulletins

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Webinars, Videos and Podcasts

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SFMA Playing Conditions Index (PCI)

SFMA developed the Playing Conditions Index (PCI) to help members assess the playability of their fields. The original tool was developed in 2008 with the motivation to gain more respect for your efforts in managing your fields. Dr. Brad Fresenburg has updated the tool to further address the complexities involved in conditioning sports fields for [...]

Turfgrass Science Curriculum

Turfgrass Management 101 - Online Certificate Course This self-paced training provides continuing education opportunities for anyone who has not been formally educated in turfgrass science and is interested in entering the industry. Completing the course will build a solid foundation in the science and practices of turfgrass management so students can successfully care for a [...]

SFMA Guias en Espanol

Reciente -- Dos videos importantes: Campos deportivos Mensaje del Presidente, Nick McKenna, CSFM. Saludos! Deseo contarles un poco acerca de un área de interés para la SFMA este año: Atraer Gente. Cuando digo "Atraer Gente", no solo me refiero a servir a nuestros miembros, sino a dar la importancia a todas aquellas personas que están [...]