
Committees Have Been Announced!


Field of the Year:

Judges the association’s awards program applicants selecting the Field of the Year winners; develop strategies to enhance the awards program.

Chair: Jason DeMink, CSFM

Vice Chair: Dan Farnes

Members: Manny Diaz; Grant Davisson; Jeremy Driscoll, CSFM; Jackie Kaluba; Glenn Lucas; Adam Russell; Chrissie Segars, Ph.D.; Derek York, CSFM; Douglas Wildt, CSFM


Judges the Innovative Awards program; ensures a fair judging process; enhances the program, as necessary.

Chair: Jason Craft, CSFM

Vice Chair: Lee VanMeeteren

Members: Andrew Beggs, CSFM; Noel Brusius, CSFM; Leanne Nadwidny; Morgan Sullivan; Chris Webb, CSFM


Judges the association’s SAFE scholarship program applicants; develops strategies to enhance the scholarship program and recommends them to the SAFE Board of Trustees.

Chair: Chrissie Segars, Ph.D.

Vice Chair: Kyle Patterson

Members: Baoxin Chang; Devon Carroll; Joe Breedon, CSFM; Devon Carroll; Gary Dickinson; Jesse Driver, CSFM; Martin Kaufman, CSFM; Willie Lawrence, Jr.; Danny Losito; Kyle Patterson; Billy Pipp, CSFM; Grant Spear, CSFM; Alexander Steinman


Conference Education:

Determines the content, topics, presentation formats, speakers, and moderators for the conference; recommends ways to leverage conference education.

Chair: Chase Straw, Ph.D.

Members: Shawn Beaumont; Ryan Bjorn; Jason Bowers, CSFM; Leah Brilman, Ph.D.; Darin Budak, CSFM; Josh Carter; Jason Campbell; Tyler Carr; Weston Floyd, CSFM; Gerald Henry, Ph.D.; Craig Honkomp; Morgan Hunter; Bryan Hopkins, Ph.D., CPSS; Brad Jakubowski; Ben Polimer; Bradley Park; Nick McKenna, CSFM; Jamie Mehringer; Drew Miller, Ed.D.; Clint Steele, CSFM; John Sorochan; Alan Wilson, CSFM; Keith Winter

Conference SAFE events: Organizes aspects of the SAFE Foundation fundraising events including bowling, golf, and corn hole; suggests additional fundraising opportunities tied to conference.

Chair: Chris Ball, CSFM

Vice Chair: Josh DeJong, CSFM

Members: Chris Hathaway; Jason Goehring; Matt Tobin

Student Challenge: Develops the annual student challenge exam questions, answer key, and protocols; assist in proctoring the exam as needed. (Non-academic members only)

Chair: Sarah Martin, CSFM

Vice Chair: Matt Anderson, CSFM

Members: Scott Bills, CSFM; Samuel Doak; Alex Harter; Cole Lamkin; Marc Moran, CSFM; David Pinsonneault, CSFM; James Rogers; Chrissie Segars, Ph.D.; Andrew Wright

Tours: Organizes the appropriate off-site tours, including venues, presenters, and formats.

Chair: Bryan Hopkins, Ph.D.

Vice Chair: Weston Floyd, CSFM

Members: Mark Bajno, CSFM; Matthew Grewe; Glenn Lucas; Andrew Marking, CSFM; Jamie Mehringer; Austin Paradis; Easton Williams


Commercial Advisory Council: Provides a forum to exchange ideas on how SFMA can better serve and engage its commercial members and how this segment can help to advance the association.

Chair: Erin Wilder

Vice Chair: Warren Gorowitz

Members: Keri Baldwin; Chris Bell; Ken Brechtel; Greg Brodd; Joshua DeJong, CSFM; Amy Fouty, CSFM; Chris Franks; Joshua Koss, CSFM; Glenn Lucas; Stephen Lord, CSFM; Pete Macgregor; Adam Russell; Jeff Salmond, CSFM; Paula Sliefert

Editorial/Magazine: Ensures that the Sports Field Management magazine contains information relevant to the sports field manager; to provide ideas and contacts for articles for publication; to provide aesthetic and other recommendations on functionality and readability.

Chair: Brad Thedens, CSFM

Vice Chair: TJ Brewer, CSFM

Members: Matthew Arms, CSFM; Joe Churchill; Cliff Driver, CSFM; Kate Garassino; Rebecca Knapp, CSFM; Tony Koski

Finance & Audit:

Provides oversight of the SFMA’s financial resources by reporting information to the Board of Directors. The Finance & Audit Committee shall be responsible for reviewing and recommending to the Board of Directors for approval: 1) annual budget; 2) financial policies; 3) investment policies and guidelines; 4) the annual audit or review.

Chair: Alpha Jones, CSFM

Members: Joseph Kovolyan, CSFM; Josh McPherson, CSFM; David Pinsonneault, CSFM; Jimmy Simpson, CSFM; Tim Van Loo, CSFM

Historical: Acquires, documents, and displays the history of the association (Both STMA and SFMA) and the sports field management profession.

Chair: John Mascaro

Members: Mark Clay; Ryan Ferguson, CSFM; Stephen Guise; Michael Hebrard; Richard Moffitt

Subject Matter Experts (Formerly Technical Standards): A membership network willing to answer technical questions; to help answer interview questions at times; to review resources on the SFMA website for accuracy; periodically called on to review magazine articles; to work with the American Society for Testing & Materials on sports facility standards and recommendations as needed.

Chair: Pam Sherratt

Vice Chair: Josh McPherson, CSFM

Members: Don Scholl, CSFM; Marc Moran, CSFM; Nick Paserchia, CSFM; John Schedler; Ryan Storey, CSFM; Peter Thibeault, CSFM


Membership Enhancement (Formerly just called Membership): Develops initiatives to drive association membership growth and retention; recommends programs that add value for each member.

Chair: Jeremy Driscoll, CSFM

Vice Chair: Brad Finn, CSFM

Members: Wade Daley; Kyle Foreman; Matthew Grewe; Alex Harter; Matthew Kerns; Alex Miller; Daniel Peer; Lucas Van Ee

Member Resources (Formerly Information Outreach/Learning Initiatives): Develops educational and informational opportunities for members targeted to specific needs to enhance their personal and professional development.

Chair: Alpha Jones, CSFM

Vice Chair: Michael Goatley, Ph.D.

Members: Mark Elingburg; Amanda Folck; Jody Gill, CSFM; Cliff Driver, CSFM; Steve Hough; John Clintsman; Barry Stewart, Ph.D.

Member Advocacy: Develops strategies to advocate for the profession of sports field management and the knowledge and expertise of SFMA members to the general public and other athletic facility stakeholders.

Chair: Zach Holm, CSFM

Vice Chair: Tyler Morris, CSFM

Members: Weston Appelfeller, CSFM; Brian Bornino, CSFM; Eric Harshman, CSFM; Dax Lee; Andy Ommen, CSFM; Nick Paserchia, CSFM; Enrico Perruzzi, CSFM; Dan Sandor, Ph.D.; Troy Smith, CSFM; Leah Withrow

Certification: Develops strategies to grow the number of certified members; consistently monitors the program and recommends enhancements to ensure that the program is the top achievement for sports field managers.

Chair: Casey Carrick, CSFM

Vice Chair: Cliff Driver, CSFM

Members: Matthew Arms, CSFM; Jeremy Driscoll, CSFM; John Frankenfeld, CSFM; Enrico Perruzzi, CSFM

Chapter Relations: Develops a chapter support structure that is beneficial locally and nationally; facilitates the sharing of best practices; supports the growth of the chapter network in states that do not have a chapter.

Chair: Jason Bowers, CSFM

Vice Chair: Jason Allen, CSFM

Members: Jason Allen, CSFM; Tommy Hewitt; Tara Jordan; Alex Miller; Robbie Miller; Mason McMurphy; Mitchell Hooten; Mike Selman; Craig Sampsell, CSFM; Bruce Suddeth, CSFM

International: Positions SFMA as a global leader in sports facility management and the go-to resource for those who work internationally in the industry; grow the international membership segment; support international efforts recognizing sports field management profession.

Chair: Simon Gumbrill

Vice Chair: Jada Powlen

Members: Andre Amaral; Jose Maria Aldrete Gonzalez; Joe Breedon; James Edgar; Ewen Hodge; Abby McNeal, CSFM; Don Scholl, CSFM; Jeff Sheehan, CSFM; Peter White; Geoff Webb

Environmental: Develops environmental strategies that position SFMA and its members as leaders in environmental stewardship; oversees the Environmental Certification program.

Chair: Zach Holm, CSFM

Vice Chair: Vickie Wallace

Members: Richard Calarco, CSFM; Kyley Dickson; Warren Gorowitz; Susan Haddock; Bryan Hopkins, Ph.D., CPSS; Steve Hough; Jason Kruse; Maritza Martinez; Mason McMurphy; Kevin Mercer, CSFM; Zak Peterson, CSFM; Ben Polimer; David Shurmur; John Turnour, CSFM; Ben Young