
Community sports field survey

Community-level sports fields (e.g., park and recreation, K-12) are public spaces that provide numerous physical, mental, and societal benefits. These fields are often governed, constructed, managed, and used by various interacting groups who have different value systems and preferences that impact their decisions.

While sports fields offer an opportunity for community engagement and physical activity to residents of communities, poor field quality or lack of access from misinformed decisions can increase health issues and decrease physical activity participation, especially among youth. That is in addition to decisions made regarding water and energy resources required to maintain these fields. Those who have decision-making authority should consider input from the entire community and other relevant stakeholders; however, there is a lack of convergence and breakdown in communication among stakeholders’ needs and priorities. Additionally, decision-makers often lack effective tools and proper knowledge to select and manage fields to meet demand in a sustainable and just manner.

Texas A&M University and the University of Minnesota are in the progress of planning a research proposal centered around the complex decisions made about sports fields within nearly every community in the United States. The purpose of the research would be to improve the social, economic, and environmental sustainability of community-level sports fields.

Decision-makers and sports field managers at the community-level, please consider helping us gather information for the proposal by scanning the QR code below and participating in a 5-minute survey.

community-level sports

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The post Community sports field survey first appeared on SportsField Management.