The Endangered Species Act (ESA) is historically a complicated process that has broad impacts on agriculture and the tools available for use. The recent ESA Biological Evaluations of major chemistries (atrazine, glyphosate, neonicotinoids) and EPA’s announcement in January that ESA will be integrated into new product registrations further underlines the importance of this issue. In April, EPA released its revised workplan for addressing issues related to ESA Review: EPA’s Workplan and Progress Toward Better Protections for Endangered Species | US EPA.
USDA Office of Pest Management Policy will be hosting a webinar on May 16th to walkthrough EPA’s workplan and its impact on growers. We hope that your organization will participate in this opportunity.
Click here for the details
The post EPA announces webinar May 16 to outline ESA workplan first appeared on SportsField Management.