
EPA is Terminating Two Pesticides: Diuron and DCPA

  1. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the proposed interim decision (PID) for the pesticide diuron. The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) requires EPA to review pesticides every 15 years. Diuron is used as an herbicide to control annual and perennial broadleaf and grassy weeds in a variety of agricultural sites and non-agricultural sites. Based on the revised draft risk assessments EPA is proposing to terminate all herbicide uses on non-food agricultural sites (g., ornamentals) and on all non-agricultural sites (e.g., rights-of-way, utilities, roadways). It is also being recommended for termination in other food and feed uses. Upon publication of the Federal Register notice, public comments will be accepted for 60 days in the diuron registration review docket ID number EPA-HQ-OPP-2015-0077 at www.regulations.gov.
  2. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is issuing a notice of intent to suspend (NOITS), which when effective, will prevent the sale, distribution, and use of the technical-grade product containing the pesticide dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate (DCPA).
    DCPA is an herbicide applied to control grasses and certain broadleaf weeds in both agricultural and non-agricultural settings. Non-agricultural use sites include non-residential turf and ornamentals. AMVAC, the registrant, has not provided the EPA with requested data. If AMVAC submits the missing data after the suspension becomes effective, EPA can lift the suspension. Upon publication of the NOITS in the Federal Register, all supporting documents will be available in the DCPA registration review docket EPA-HQ-OPP-2011-0374 at www.regulations.gov