SFMA’s Conference Education Committee is working hard to put together an exciting and informative education program for the 2023 Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah! Each month, speakers presenting at the conference will be featured. Don’t miss the networking and educational opportunities offered this year!
Michael Boekholder is the President of Boekholder & Associates. He will be presenting “Preparing For and Executing a Natural Grass Field Renovation Project.”
Executing a field renovation project properly takes a multi-step approach to ensure the best project outcomes. Analyzing current field conditions, preparing accurate specifications and plans, selecting quality contractors, conducting a robust quality control program and ensuring a proper close out of the project are all critical steps needed to complete any construction project. Special attention will also be given on how to make sure your MiLB field is PDL compliant after a renovation project.
After attending this session, you will understand:
Dr. AJ Lindsey is an Assistant Professor at University of Florida. He will be presenting “Potentially Reduce Nitrogen Use on Athletic Fields.”
The presentation covers environmental concerns with traditional fertilizers and some of the recent research trials conducted with humic and alternative fertilizers. It will also explore how humic and alternative fertilizers can be incorporated into a fertilizer program to reduce overall nitrogen use and potential nutrient losses on athletic fields.
Attendees will learn:
Alternative (natural, organic) fertilizers are an effective and sustainable fertilizer source that provide adequate turfgrass quality.