
Renew your Membership!

If you have yet to renew for 2023, please do so now! Below are just a few of the programs we offer and opportunities you will receive as an SFMA member.

  • High value educational and personal development resources at sportsfieldmanagment.org (members only)
  • Opportunity for facility and personal certification at member rates
  • SportsField Management magazine with industry research and new technology
  • Access to peers across the U.S. and beyond for advice and networking
  • Specific sports field manager data, such as compensation available by many different criteria such as education, region, certification, number of fields managed
  • Opportunity to serve on committees to guide the association’s programs and services
  • Opportunity to attend the industry’s largest sports field management specific conference and trade show at member rates
  • Opportunity to be recognized as a Field of the Year winner and more!

Click here for easy online renewal! Don’t let your membership lapse. Membership drops take place next month.