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Summertime fertilizer ban remains in place after turf groups pressure leaders

March 20, 2018

A literal turf war over a 2011 fertilizer ordinance fizzled out after Manatee County (FL) commissioners narrowly decided not to change the rule. The way the ordinance is now, and how

NY county to charge for using parks

March 20, 2018

Nassau County (NY) Executive Laura Curran has begun charging thousands of dollars in fees to youth Little Leagues and other community sports organizations that traditionally play for free in county

Poll finds outdoor power equipment mis-fueling increasing

March 20, 2018

Americans are increasingly unsure about how to properly fuel outdoor power equipment and other non-road engine products like boats, snowmobiles and generators, and mis-fueling is occurring at increasing rates, says

Nick McKenna to present live show on turf to middle school students tomorrow

March 14, 2018

The Nutrients for Life Foundation, an educational non-profit that educates students and the public about the vital role soil nutrients play in growing our world, and Discovery Education, the leading

Updated SFMA PCI now available

March 13, 2018

With the help of Dr. Brad Fresenburg, SFMA has updated the Playing Conditions Index (PCI) to conduct a Field Performance Study to investigate if it is possible to determine when

Are trails the hot trend in community recreation?

March 13, 2018

Some of the area’s newest and planned recreation destinations are described as “slam dunks” and “home runs.” But they have nothing to do with basketball or baseball. The Town of Tonawanda’s 4-mile

Submit a presentation for the 2019 SFMA Conference

March 13, 2018

SFMA’s Call for Presentations for the 2019 Conference is now open! The 2019 Conference will be held January 22-25 in Phoenix, AZ. Please take a few minutes to submit your presentation

Kent (WA) parks staff to “justify expenditures and create accountability”

March 13, 2018

City staff revealed a new detail-oriented playbook for crews to perform and track maintenance at Kent’s 55 parks in an effort to evolve the system. Parks Director Julie Parascondola told the

NMSU compares water use for artificial turf and real grass

March 6, 2018

As a turfgrass specialist, New Mexico State University professor Bernd Leinauer is asked a lot of questions relating to artificial grass and whether it actually is a water-conserving alternative to real grass,

New SFMA website’s Job Board open to all

March 6, 2018

As you may know, until the rollout of SFMA’s new website, the Job Board has only been accessible to SFMA members. The Job Board page is one of SFMA’s most-frequently