
Virtual Conference FAQ

  • View the SFMA Virtual Conference 101 tutorial where we will walk you through the virtual conference platform.  Learn how to navigate to sessions, visit the exhibit hall and showcase areas, and of course how you will engage with others!
  • Use your log-in credentials to access the virtual conference platform(Sent to you in an email from Pheedlooop)  This is the same login that you will use during the live, virtual event to access sessions, the exhibit hall and to network with others.
  • Please note that the virtual conference platform works best with Chrome browser.
  • Create your profile.  Add a photo and some information about yourself. (Click on “Account/Profile” in the left menu to access this area.) To fully engage with others during the event, leave all visibility and notifications as currently set.
  • Build your own personal schedule.  While sessions are not viewable until their scheduled time, you can click on sessions of interest to view the session descriptions and speaker information. To add it to your schedule, click on the plus sign for that session in the session roster.

  • Session Navigation. Click on the “Sessions” tab in the left menu to view the roster of sessions, listed in chronologic order.  Tip: for faster access to a particular session, type a keyword from the session title in the search field.
  • You may filter sessions by your personal schedule, track, session type, audience, day or speaker.
  • A pre-roll video will play until the scheduled session time.  At the appointed time, the session will begin. As a viewer you will be able to start and pause the session.
  • Please note that while some presentations have been pre-recorded, speakers will be on hand to participate in a live Q&A following the session. This can be found by scrolling down and click in “Live Q&A”
  • If you have connectivity issues, click on the “Experiencing Issues” link located below the presentation window.  This will take you out of Pheedloop and directly into the Zoom meeting.
  • For a larger viewing area, click on the “Hide All” button at the top of the page to collapse the menu and session roster.  You may also select the full screen option in the gray tool bar at the bottom of the session window, but please note that this will eliminate the ability to view the session chat area.
  • Sound controls are also adjustable and located in the gray tool bar.
  • Direction regarding the handling of Q&A will be posted in the session chat area and listed on the presenters final slide. Before you exit the session you will need to scroll down and click on “Live Q&A” This will take you to the connecting session.
  • Asking questions We encourage you to ask questions during the live Q&A by utilizing the Q&A option that is at the bottom of the video feed. You can also ask questions in the chat area.
  • If a “check-in” window appears at some point during the session, click on it to acknowledge your presence for CE tracking.
  • Session Access. In case you miss a session, they will be available for viewing until the end of the conference. After that they will not be released for 60 days.

Our exhibitors are the experts when it comes to new products and services for Sports Field Managers!   We encourage you to visit the exhibit area to obtain information and to engage with these partners.

  • Click on the “Exhibit Hall” tab in the left menu.  A listing of exhibitors, in alphabetical order will appear.
  • For faster access to a particular exhibitor, enter the company name in the search field.
  • You may filter exhibitors by product/service type in the filter field.
  • If provided by the exhibitor, each virtual booth will include:
    • Direct links to the company website and social media sites
    • Booth representatives (click on start chat to engage one-on-one.)
    • Company description
    • Downloadable materials such as catalogs, brochures
    • Informational video.  Note: the default setting for sound is disabled.  Hover at the bottom of the video window to view the tool bar, where you will be able to enable sound. You may also view in full screen.
    • The booth chat area will appear on the right of the screen, where you will be able to post public comments and questions for booth reps.
    • You may toggle between the tabs at the top of the booth chat to view the chat or attendees also visiting the booth.  (Click on an attendee to initiate a one-on-one chat with that attendee.)
  • Booths with “Request Information” or “Join Live” buttons have obtained additional functionality and may invite you to attend live presentations directly from their booth.
  • Many exhibitors are offering promotions and prizes, click here for a full list!

  • Click on “New Product Showcase” to see exhibitor that are highlighting a specific new product.

Types of Interactions

    • Public text chats (lobby area, session chats, virtual booth chats)  Any participant visiting this area will see your post(s).
    • One-on-one text chats via the networking tab.
    • One-on-one text chats with exhibitor reps in the virtual booths
    • One-on-one text chats with new product showcase exhibitors in their presentation booths.
    • All text chats can be moved to one-on-one video chats, by clicking on “Join video call” in the chat tab.
    • For all chats, the recipient must accept the chat to fully engage.  If the chat is not picked up, a notification will be sent and the attendee my choose to engage with you at a later time.
    • Up to 25 attendees at at time can join a live video chat in an exhibitor’s booth who has this functionality. (Look for an invitation/post regarding a call and click the “join live” button in the booth at the appropriate time.)


    • Anytime another conference participant initiates a chat with you, a notification window will pop up briefly at the bottom of your screen.
    • No worries, if you happen to miss the pop-up, as notifications will also appear at the top right of your screen, just above the chat section.
    • Click on the notification icon to view new notifications.  Once read, click to move the message to the “read” tab so that only new notifications will appear in the “new” tab.  You will always be able to retrieve notifications in the “read’ tab.
    • You must move to the networking module in the left menu to reply or engage with a participant. (see networking below)
    • You may also view notifications from the “Chats” tab in the networking module. (see “networking” below)


    • Click on the networking tab in the left menu.  An alphabetical (by first name) listing of all conference participants (attendees, exhibitors, speakers) will appear.
    • Scroll through the listing, or search for a specific individual in the search field to answer or initiate a chat.
    • From the “Chats” tab, you may view chats that have been sent to you, or for which you have engaged in or initiated.  A time stamp for the time of the chat is included.
    • Exhibitors will have access to a “Booth” tab which provides information regarding who has stopped by their booth, along with a timestamp of when the visit occurred.  An exhibitor may initiate a chat with a specific individual from here.
  • Groups 
    • Under this tab there are small networking groups where up to 25 individuals can come together and chat through video or text. We have many pre-made groups based on topics and categories, there are also groups labeled “general” for any sort of discussion.

To participate in the live Q & A sessions, you must have the following capabilities:

  • A device that has a web browser that supports plugins and scripts for chats and videos. If you can’t access zoom from it or view videos, it won’t be a good fit for our live session portion.
  • Google Chrome is the recommended browser by our software provider.
  • A microphone OR the ability to type in questions to the chat box.

You may access the virtual portal via tablet and smartphones, but you might not enjoy the same capabilities. Notably, you may not see public chat areas but you can still private message any use.

Sound issues are local issues specific to your device and setup. We recommend the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Use Google Chrome. Make sure it is the updated version.
  • Be sure you are allowing pop-ups and cookies for PheedLoop.com
  • Allow Pheedloop to access your audio and video when prompted.
  • Check your computers audio, it may be muted!
  • Restart your browser.
  • Restart your machine.

When all else fails, connect to the session via Zoom web by clicking on the “Experiencing Issue? Click here for live stream options” button below the video container in PheedLoop.