SFMA and SAFE have numerous programs for awards, scholarships and grants that are due on Oct. 15. In college in a turfgrass management program? Submit for a SAFE Scholarship, including
Registration to the 2019 Conference in Phoenix, AZ, is open. Don’t miss out out! Learn best management practices from academics and industry experts through case studies, hands-on learning, traditional presentations
On Wednesday, October 10, Stephen Hamilton, Sports Complex Maintenance Coordinator for the City of Peoria Arizona will be presenting the webinar “The Martian Meets Macgyver”. Register here. “Begin with a problem
SFMA has partnered with Project Evergreen to renovate Lindo Park, which is City of Phoenix park. The rebuild will take place in advance of the conference on Mon., Jan. 21,
Membership has its privileges, and SFMA wants to be sure your benefits continue seamlessly as we enter the fourth quarter. Make certain that your SportsTurf subscription, access to specific resources
Go beyond documenting your environmental best management practices. Achieve SFMA’s Environmental Facility Certification for a single field or for a complex. This two-stage certification program involves an assessment of a
SFMA is developing a series of bulletins addressing Best Management Practices (BMPs) that can be implemented at your facility to reduce your environmental impact. Mowing Best Management Practices addresses mowing
Each month speakers presenting at the 2019 National SFMA Conference and Exhibition in Phoenix, Arizona will be featured. Don't miss the educational opportunities offered at the conference! Bryan Hopkins, Ph.D. is
Turf managers in the southern United States have traditionally overseeded bermudagrass during the fall to maintain playable, aesthetically appealing turfgrass surfaces throughout dormancy. This goal, however, is achieved with some
As registration opens, many of you may be toying with the idea of attending. Whether the decision is up to you or your boss, this article is helpful in highlighting