
Industry News

NESFMA shares information regarding online learning resources

March 31, 2020

Online learning is a great opportunity to keep up to date with the industry’s latest best practices and research. With that in mind, New England Sports Turf Managers Association (NESFMA)

NALP provides state-by-state COVID-19 guidance

March 31, 2020

According to the National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP), after working with the Department of Homeland Security for weeks to ensure that landscape services are included in the Federal Guidance

MSU plant and soil service labs remain open during COVID-19 shutdowns

March 31, 2020

Michigan State University’s Plant & Pest Diagnostics and Soil and Plant Nutrient Laboratory are still open for business during Michigan’s “Stay Home & Stay Safe” executive order with modified operations.

NCS4 to host crisis communications webinar

March 31, 2020

The National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (NCS4), in conjunction with Security Industry Association, will host free webinar on crisis communication, emergency planning and response. The webinar will

Coronavirus’s expected economic impact on the sports industry

March 26, 2020

Amir Somoggi, founder of Sports Value – a company that specializes in sports marketing, branding, sponsorships, activations, brand valuation and sports properties valuation – shared analysis of the expected economic

Synthetic turf and natural grass comparison

March 26, 2020

SFMA provided a snapshot of how synthetic turf and natural grass playing surfaces compare in some key areas with a detailed infographic (below). For more information on topics ranging from this

SFMA Call for Presentations deadline extended

March 26, 2020

The deadline to submit a presentation in SFMA’s Call for Presentations has been extended to Thursday, April 2. The 2021 Conference will be held January 11-14 in Palm Springs, Calif. Share

AstroTurf Corporation names Rob Mitchell director of rugby

March 26, 2020

AstroTurf announced Rob Mitchell as director of rugby. This announcement helps renew the company’s commitment for creating rugby fields that meet the highest performance standards for safety, durability and performance. “Growing

Results of new study regarding amino acids externally applied to turfgrass foliage

March 24, 2020

The collective findings of a study conducted by Purdue University and EnP Investments, LLC., provide evidence that amino acids exogenously applied to turfgrass foliage can be rapidly absorbed and serve

5 small things that may make walking away from our fields a little easier

March 24, 2020

SFMA President Jimmy Simpson, CSFM, shared the following message with members on March 18: In this time of such uncertainty, we are all affected in one way or another by the