
Upcoming FREE SFMA & PGMS Webinars

SFMA is offering the following webinar and the Professional Grounds Management Society (PGMS) has given SFMA members access to its professional development webinars. See details on how to register below.

Tuesday, August 9 at 2 pm EDT
Soil Science Simplified: The Dirt on Green Grass
Bryan Hopkins, Ph.D. – Brigham Young University

This presentation will teach participants advanced concepts of soil science in an applied fashion that will enable them to use this information to be superior managers of turfgrass and the soil it is growing in. Focus will be on understanding three areas of: soil chemistry, soil physics, and soil biology. For soil chemistry, a case study will be used with soil, plant tissue, and laboratory data with a guideline that can be used for interpretation and superior management. For soil physics, the emphasis will be upon determining the correct balance between water and oxygen. For soil biology, the emphasis will be on how to build a biologically active soil in the real world (i.e. techniques that really work and not snake oil products with promises that aren’t real).

Register Here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GFGopXSBS1iVRtDHWnRVwA


SFMA members have also been given access to webinars PGMS is hosting.

PGMS® extends complementary registrations to SFMA members for the following webinar:
Wednesday, November 16 at 1 pm EDT – How to Manage Employee Turnover and Improve Employee Retention

To register, create a prospective/non-member account following the steps below:

  1. Please visit https://pgms.org/general/register_member_type.asp? to complete your account registration. Please be sure to check the Prospective/Non-Member button when starting the account registration process.
  2. After creating your Prospective/Non-Member account, please click on the Calendar tab on the right-hand side of the screen. Please click on the registration button for the webinar you wish to attend.
  3. When checking out, please enter Promo Code SFMA2022

Please contact info@pgms.org with any questions.