
Industry News

‘Real grass all day long’: Texas Rangers players sound off

March 6, 2018

The Texas Rangers have yet to officially announce their decision on the type of playing surface they will use at new Tax Hike Friendly Ballpark, but sources indicate the plan is

Monaco bermudagrass now available from Barenbrug USA

February 28, 2018

Exclusively from Barenbrug, Monaco seeded bermudagrass is continuing the legacy founded by Riviera. The newest release from the Johnston Seed breeding program, Monaco, Cynodon dactylon var. dactylon, is a synthetic

Coolray Field gearing up for first USL season

February 27, 2018

Coolray Field is preparing to serve a dual role in 2018, as it will host both the Gwinnett Stripers (Class AAA; International League) and USL’s Atlanta United 2. Joining the USL this season as an expansion

Will my turf recover from spring flooding?

February 27, 2018

Recent rainfall events caused flooding in many lawns and other turf areas. Unless flooding was accompanied by soil deposition, most turf areas should have minimal damage. Posted on February 22, 2018 by Kevin Frank,

Paul Roche retires after four decades of dedication to recreation

February 27, 2018

After leading the charge for public recreation in Ridgefield (CT) for 41 years — carrying the flag for fields and programs, buildings, maintenance and a “pay as you go” approach

MASFMA meeting at National Arboretum March 16

February 27, 2018

Please join the Mid-Atlantic Sports Turf Managers Association for our Annual Spring Meeting March 16, 8 am to 4 pm at the US National Arboretum, which is operated by the US

Why aren’t you an SFMA member?

February 22, 2018

  $130. That’s the annual cost of membership in the national SFMA organization; it’s even less if someone else in your organization is already a member ($85), or if you’re a

How to develop and manage your professional network

February 22, 2018

A 2-minute tip to success from SFMA: SFMA’s annual conference and exhibition is the quintessential event for networking. If you attended this year’s event, these tips will help you to extend and expand

MLB attempts to speed up games

February 22, 2018

The sight of Gary Sanchez repeatedly calling time to go confer with his pitcher will become, well, at least a bit less frequent. The New York Yankees catcher has been among

School hopes shock pad is safer

February 22, 2018

Officials at Jackson R-2 School District in Missouri hope extra investment in a shock pad will make new synthetic turf surfaces that much safer for student-athletes. Jackson High School’s football and