Advanced Turf Solutions is now offering free online courses and live virtual seminars to support continuing education for turfgrass managers.
The virtual education series is free and available to the public. Beginning February 1, anyone can visit and access dozens of self-paced online courses taught by industry experts.
Participants can earn state-level continuing certification credits, GCSAA education points, and SFMA Certified Sports Field Manager education points for approved courses completed by February 28, 2021.
To qualify for credits, participants must complete a registration form on the course page, watch the entire video, and complete the course quiz by February 28, 2021 at 11:59 PM EST. All courses in the virtual education series will continue to be available for viewing after February 28, but only courses completed before the deadline will qualify for certification credits.
Several online courses have been approved for state-level credits in Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Tennessee, and West Virginia. Applications for credits have been submitted and are currently pending approval in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania. Visit the course details on the virtual education series webpage for more information about the specific education credits awarded for each online course.
The self-paced online courses do not qualify for pesticide recertification credits in Ohio. Advanced Turf will host live virtual seminars on February 24 and 25 for Ohio pesticide applicators to earn recertification credits–pending approval.
Individuals interested in attending the live virtual seminars can register online at
The post Advanced Turf Solutions launches virtual education series first appeared on SportsField Management.