
Become an SFMA TikTok star

The Sports Field Management Association (SFMA) announced that it has joined the TikTok community and wants to feature its members! There are two ways members can submit videos.

1. You are already on TikTok and would like a video to be featured that you have already made, or

2. You are not on TikTok but have a video clip that you will allow SFMA to set to music and then post. Please include your social media name so that you can be tagged in the video.

What is SFMA looking for?

  • Use of a new technology
  • Field Design
  • Appreciation post of your team’s hard work
  • The science behind growing grass

Please keep the video clips to under one minute if possible, and feel free to have fun with them and get creative!

Email clips and/or questions to wwebber@sportsfieldmanagement.org.

The post Become an SFMA TikTok star first appeared on SportsField Management.