SFMA’s prestigious award, the Field of the Year, has many elements that need to be addressed now, before the award submittal deadline of Oct. 15.
The award is given to the top field in baseball, softball, soccer, football and sporting grounds in three categories: professional, schools/parks and collegiate.
The application requires four PCIs to be filled out: three during the sports’ season and one in the off-season. Many sports are in-season now, so you need to take your readings. CLICK HERE to View SFMA PCI
Photos also must be taken throughout the season and off season. A maximum of 30 photos and a minimum of 15 must be submitted. Areas required to be photographically documented include pictures of the sidelines and other wear areas; center of the fields (between the hash marks, center field, etc.); behind the goalmouth, goalposts or home plate; the field in use; the field in all seasons; and if applicable, field renovation or unique issues. If you are submitting the field for baseball or softball, you must include photos of the dugouts and bullpens.
The submittal process is electronic, and the application software will be available July 15.
Field of the Year winners receive a plaque during the SFMA awards banquet at the annual conference, a complimentary conference registration, two banquet tickets, three nights hotel and be featured in an upcoming issue of SportsTurf magazine.