Make sure to submit a presentation for consideration for SFMA’s 2022 SFMA Conference and Exhibition. The conference will be held in Savannah, Georgia from January 17-20. Here are 3 reasons you should submit a proposal this year:
1) This is a great opportunity to share your knowledge and experiences with your peers.
2) Flexible formats allow you to present a hands-on workshop, traditional lecture, interactive audience discussion, or Q&A panel.
3) Challenge yourself and attendees to find solutions to issues facing the sports field management industry.
SFMA is seeking engaging presentations in the areas of sports field management, design and construction, environmental regulation and compliance, professional development, new technologies and university research. For information on what is required on the online form and to submit your presentation ideas, CLICK HERE.
The Conference Education Committee completes a thorough review of each presentation in order to give everyone equal consideration. Presentations that are not selected may be presented as a webinar or shared with SportsField Management magazine for possible use as an article.
Please complete and submit all the required materials by the April 6, 2021 deadline. Submittals will be reviewed by the SFMA Conference Education Committee, and notification of selection will be sent out in early June. For any additional questions, please contact Kristen Althouse at