
Executive MBA program for ag leaders at Iowa State

Launching this August, the Ivy executive MBA (EMBA) is a
21-month program for professionals in food, agriculture, and biosystems.
Classes meet every 3 weeks on Fridays and Saturdays and follows a standard MBA
format. The new program focuses case studies, industry speakers, and content
around food and agriculture industries. 

“We are looking for high-performing managers and executives
in these industries who are ready to pursue an executive MBA and increase their
leadership responsibilities in their company,” said EMBA Director Sam DeMarie,
associate professor of management at the Ivy College of Business. “Turf
management is an important sector of agricultural business that we want to see
represented in the cohort.”

The program is expected to draw 20 to 30 students each year.

“The cohort for this August already includes a diverse and
impressive group of professionals,” DeMarie said. “We have research scientists,
CEOs, operational leaders, marketers, directors, mangers, and others coming
from across the food, agriculture, and biosystems industries.”

Members of an advisory council provide ongoing support for recruitment of students, the shaping of the curriculum, trends in the industry, and other priorities. They also serve as a resource for students in the program and participate in events. The council has 18 members including executives from BASF, Bayer, Corteva, John Deere, and Syngenta. The full list can be found here.

Applications for the Ivy executive MBA are now being accepted. For more information, contact EMBA Director, Sam DeMarie, at 515-294-5526 or email at emba@iastate.edu.