SFMA’s Conference Education Committee is working hard to put together an exciting and informative education program for the 2022 Conference in Savannah, Georgia! Each month, speakers presenting at the conference will be featured. Don’t miss the networking and educational opportunities offered this year!
Matt Anderson, CSFM, CSE (left) is a District Sales Manager for The Toro Company. Boyd Montgomery, CSFM, CSE (right) is a Regional Business Manager for Sports Fields & Grounds N.A. / District Sales Manager Sports Fields for the Toro Company.
On Tuesday, January 18 and Thursday, January 20, they will be presenting “Mowing: Getting Beyond the 1/3 Rule.” This presentation will provide a more in depth look at mowing and how it impacts a sports field management operation. They will discuss current trends in sports field mowing heights, proper cutting unit setup and how those factors can impact after cut appearance.
After attending this session, participants will understand:
- Current trends in sports field mowing.
- Proper cutting unit setup.
- Impacts mowing height and cutting unit setup can have on after cut appearance.
On Wednesday, January 19, Anderson and Montgomery will be presenting “Applying Business Lessons to your Sports Field Operations.” This presentation will cover topics such as:
- Teamwork – the importance of developing your team and how to foster teamwork within your own team as well as within your organization.
- Communication – discussion on the key aspects of proper communication (verbal and written) and how to make sure that both parties understand the message.
- Data – how to use data to develop your game plan and support or bolster your requests to management or in communicating with your stakeholders.
- Managing the P&L – how to effectively manage your budget.
- Sales & Presentation – everyone is in sales. We will discuss how to craft your message and make sure that your presentation is positioned for success.
- Self Confidence – approaching things with the right attitude and confidence level is key.
The goal of this session is to provide attendees with the key concepts in business and how they apply to their everyday jobs managing turfgrass and their teams.
Don Frantz is a Regional Sales Representative for PBI-Gordon Corporation. On Tuesday, January 18 he will be presenting “Spraying Efficacy for the Sports Field Manager.”
This presentation will cover pesticide terminology and definitions, differences in formulations in products used on sports fields, application techniques, tips and tricks for better spraying efficacy, mixing and calibration of equipment, better interpretation of labels, and how pH and water hardness influence pesticide control success for sports fields.
Attendees will learn:
- How to improve spraying at your facility.
- How to understand product labels.
- How to overcome water quality factors in applications.