This SFMA-sponsored webinar will be a preview of Dr. Adam Thoms and Dr. Nick Christians’ 2019 SFMA Conference presentations – Plant and Soil Interactions for Athletic Fields and Development of a Topdressing Program for Athletic Field Managers.
Plant and Soil Interactions for Athletic Fields This presentation will explain what your soil tests mean and how much of each nutrient is needed for healthy turfgrass. It will cover both macro- and micro-nutrients and what those nutrients do in the plant.
Development of a Topdressing Program for Athletic Field Managers Proper topdressing and cultivation of athletic fields can greatly impact athletic field performance of both native-soil and sand-based athletic fields. This presentation will cover many of the basics of what type of cultivation methods to use and when, as well as how much sand topdressing is necessary to keep athletic fields performing at their highest level.
Like what you hear? Dr. Thoms and Dr. Christians will be giving in-depth presentations at the upcoming SFMA Conference. Plant and Soil Interactions for Athletic Fields will take place on Wednesday, January 23 and Development of a Topdressing Program for Athletic Field Managers will take place on Thursday, January 24.
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