Smitley, Michigan State University Extension, Department of Entomology, has
produced a new 2019 update now available for the most complete guide to
protecting pollinators while gardening, growing flowers or managing trees,
shrubs or turfgrass in urban areas.
Many people
are concerned about declines in the number of bees and butterflies, especially
honey bees and monarchs. To help gardeners and others in urban settings identify
how they can protect and increase populations of pollinators, I worked with a
team of ornamental horticulture experts, plant pathologists and entomologists
to update a guide full of resources and recommendations. An updated version of
“Protecting and enhancing pollinators in urban landscapes for the US North
Central Region” is available online for viewing and in PDF format for free
This online
publication includes:
that threaten pollinator health.
recommendations for selecting annuals, perennials, shrubs and trees that
support pollinators including butterflies.
Unique to
this publication, best management practices for managing devastating exotic
pests, or troublesome outbreaks of native pests, while minimizing impacts on pollinators.
These practices include trunk injections and the use of low-impact pesticides.
A detailed
phenological table that tells when the most common trees and shrubs bloom so
that sprays can be avoided until they are done blooming.
A list of
89 references for those that would like to read more on this subject.
See it all here