The National Collegiate Landscape Competition (NCLC) will take place at Michigan State University, March 18-21, 2020, with 850 students from 65 schools expected to attend the competition and career fair.
One of the most popular events in the industry, NCLC brings college students studying horticulture, landscape management, and lawn care, together with companies that are recruiting interns and future employees, and industry suppliers and manufacturers who manage and judge competitive events and workshops along with landscape contractors.
Roger Phelps, of Stihl, explains why the event has such strong industry partnerships. “Stihl has a long history of innovation and investment in the future of the landscape industry, and we are proud to sponsor the National Collegiate Landscape Competition. Nowhere else is the future of the industry better represented than at this event, which brings together students from across the nation to recognize their skills, further their education, and introduces them to leading industry companies and thought leaders.”
In 29 competitive events, NCLC allows students to prepare for and be tested on the wide variety of skills needed for jobs in the landscape industry. At the Career Fair, many students connect with the companies where they will intern or start their careers.
The skills on display at NCLC are a reflection of what is going on in the industry. In addition to the more than two dozen annual competitive events on tap this year, a new event is being tested for permanent inclusion – Robotics and Technology in Landscape Design and Maintenance.
“I am really looking forward to experiencing my first National Collegiate Landscape Competition,” said Britt Wood, NALP CEO. “If you look at all the CEOs and professionals working in the industry today who are alumni of NCLC – formerly Student Career Days ̶ you understand the true power of this event as a career springboard.”
For more information about event sponsorships, securing a booth at the Career Fair, or registering for the event, visit