The New England Sports Turf Managers Association (NESFMA) December Webinar, titled “More Than Bugs in Jugs: Understanding Biofungicides for Turfgrass Disease Management,” will be presented by John Inguagiato, Ph.D., University of Connecticut, and will be available to view anytime between December 10 and 30, 2020.
Biofungicides for turfgrass disease control are available, however adoption has been limited due to ineffective or unreliable control. The goal of this presentation is to explain what biopesticides are, how they work, and to discuss ongoing research looking at ways to enhance efficacy of biofungicides through improvement in the establishment and persistence of introduced biocontrol antagonists applied to athletic fields.
This webinar has been approved for one (1) MDAR PACE contact hour for Categories 32, 37, Core (L). If you are a Licensed Pesticide Applicator, please provide your license number when you register.
Click here to learn more or to register.
John Inguagiato, Ph.D., is an associate professor of turfgrass pathology, and director of the Turfgrass Disease Diagnostic Center at the University of Connecticut. He teaches fundamentals of plant pathology in the department of plant science and landscape architecture at UCONN. John’s current research interests involve studying turfgrass systems to identify factors that can reduce or predispose turfgrass to disease, and evaluating management practices which enhance turfgrass health, performance and sustainability.
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