The SFMA Nominating Committee announces the Slate of Candidates for the 2019 Board of Directors election. Those appearing on the ballot include:
Immediate Past President: Sarah Martin, CSFM, City of Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ
President: Jody Gill, CSFM, Blue Valley School District, Overland Park, KS
President-Elect: Jimmy Simpson, CSFM, Town of Cary, NC
Commercial VP: Boyd Montgomery, CSFM, CSE, The Toro Company, Bloomington, MN
Nick McKenna, CSFM, Texas A&M Athletics, College Station, TX
Sun Roesslein, CSFM, Jeffco Schools, Golden, CO
Director K-12:
Jeremy Driscoll, St. Marks High School, Wilmington, DE
Will Rogers, CSFM, Clover School District, Clover, SC
Professional Facilities Director:
Stephen Lord, CSFM, Cincinnati Reds, Cincinnati, OH
Allen Reed, CSFM, FC Dallas, Frisco, TX
Commercial Director:
Jeremy Bohonko, Ewing, N. Charlotte, NC
Jason Kopp, Luck Ecosystems, Frederick, MD
At-Large Elected:
Clark Cox, CSFM, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
Rich Watson, Laurel Lawnmower, Sewell, NJ
The election will take place through an electronic voting process beginning on Mon., Nov. 19 and closing on Mon., Dec. 10. Voting members will be sent a link to an electronic ballot, which is hosted by SFMA’s audit firm, SS&C. Candidate bios and their vision statements will be available on on Nov. 12.Two Director positions are not up for election. Academic Director Jason Kruse, Ph.D., University of Florida, Gainesville, FL and Parks and Rec Director James Bergdoll, CSFM, City of Chattanooga, TN are serving the second year of their first term.Two positions will be appointed by the President: the At-Large Director and the Director of Higher Education. The Higher Education position is open due to Nick McKenna being slated in the Secretary/Treasurer race.
The 2019 Board will be introduced during the SFMA Annual Meeting and Lunch on Thurs., Jan. 24, 2019 in Phoenix.