
Safety and Security Summit in Texas

The National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (NCS4), in conjunction with Katy (TX) Independent School District, will be hosting the 2019 National Interscholastic Athletics Safety and Security Summit April 3-5 at Legacy Stadium in Katy. The summit will focus on the critical safety and security challenges facing interscholastic programs.

The event’s keynote presentation will be by Max Schachter, Founder and CEO of Safe Schools For Alex. Max’s son, Alex was one of the first victims of the 2/14 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Massacre in Parkland, FL where 14 children and 3 adults were murdered. Ever since Max has been focused on creating National School Safety Best Practices. He has met with the Vice President of the United States, testified at the White House to the Federal Commission on School Safety, and met with over 40 senators and congressmen. We look forward to hearing about Max’s efforts of bringing awareness to school safety. VIEW SUMMIT AGENDA

Discussion topics:

Game/Event Day Planning

Crowd dynamics/management

Emergency Planning

Risk and threat assessment/Routine non-game day operations

Facilities Design/Technology and Information Management

Staff Development/Safety and Security Aware Culture