
SFMA Board of Directors – Express Your Interest Today

SFMA relies on its dedicated membership base to lead the association through its committee system and its Board of Directors. Service on the SFMA Board of Directors provides an important governance mechanism to ensure that SFMA remains true to its mission and that the organization is financially solvent.

The SFMA Nominating Committee invites interested members to submit through an interest form. The process is meticulous, governed by SOP and the SFMA Bylaws. It begins with inviting voting members to indicate interest, reviewing applications against a metric that includes prior service to the association or industry, regionality, membership category, leadership qualifications and more. The Committee, which is made up of members representing every segment of membership, develops the slate and presents it to the membership for an electronic vote in November. The new Board is introduced and takes office at the annual conference in January. For a detailed review of the process, click here.

As an SFMA Board Member, you should:

  • Become knowledgeable about the association.
  • Serve as an active ambassador for the association.
  • Promote the profession and the importance of qualified Sports Field Managers in field safety, performance, and quality.
  • Recruit new members to SFMA.
  • Contribute to meetings by expressing your point of view with the best interest of the association in mind.
  • Consider other points of view, make constructive suggestions, encourage and respect questions and discussions that help the board make decisions that benefit the association.
  • Actively participate in the board’s strategic planning and implementation efforts.
  • Attend board meetings prepared and informed about issues on the agenda, i.e., stay informed about committee matters, review board minutes and other materials prior to board meetings.
  • Attend the annual conference and volunteer to help as needed.
  • Attend all board meetings and regularly attend chapter and/or committee meetings of which you are a member.
  • Encourage your staff to become involved and actively participate in SFMA committees and/or chapters.

If you have any questions, please contact the SFMA office at SFMAinfo@sportsfieldmanagement.org

Express your interest in serving on the SFMA Board of Directors here.