
Status of the SFMA Conference

The SFMA Board of Directors will be making the decision between holding an in-person conference in Palm Springs, Calif., in January or moving it to a virtual event. That decision will be finalized during its fall board meeting, Sept. 24-25, which is being held virtually.

Notification of the decision will be sent to SFMA membership immediately following the board meeting and posted at SFMA.org. Some criteria that will be evaluated to aid in the decision making includes the status of other peer association conferences, feedback from the membership in the recent “pulse” survey, health and safety procedures in place in the Palm Springs hotels and convention center, flight availability to/from Palm Springs, and many other considerations. The most important factor will be the level of health protection that all the parties involved in hosting a large in-person conference can provide to the attendees, staff, and exhibitors. Whether in-person or virtual, you can be assured that the quality of the education and the conference experience will be excellent.