
STC releases FY20 Year in Review Report

The Synthetic Turf Council Board of Directors released its FY20 Year in Review Report. The 2020 report highlights the STC’s efforts and accomplishments in the areas of advocacy, membership, education and marketing. Highlights include:

  • Released the most comprehensive assessment of the North American synthetic turf market in May – Synthetic Turf Industry Market Report: North America 2020 (free for members)
  • Launched a new online webinar series in April to deliver important industry information
  • Hosted the 3rd Annual STC Awards Program to highlight member excellence
  • Launched an industry-focused digital marketing campaign (and updated STC logo) to promote the benefits of synthetic turf systems and STC members
  • Protected and defended the industry from legislative and regulatory attacks
  • Expanded the Certified Turf Installer for Landscape (CTI-L) Program to a virtual platform for increased accessibility
  • Launched a redesigned and mobile-responsive website with improved navigation, increased user interaction, and a COVID-19 Resources page to answer your questions and provide updates about the global pandemic
  • Hosted the virtual 2020 STC Annual Membership Meeting LIVE in October with speaker presentations from 4 out of the 6 continents (North America, South America, Europe and Asia)
  • Formed the leadership of the Synthetic Turf Council International (STCI) with the European Middle East Africa Synthetic Turf Council (ESTC) to speak with a unified industry voice 
  • Updated Education to Knowledge Pillar to better reflect member needs

Visit https://www.syntheticturfcouncil.org/page/Year_in_Review for more information.

The post STC releases FY20 Year in Review Report first appeared on SportsField Management.