On Monday, January 13, Ballpark of the Palm Beaches will be hosting our outdoor educational demonstration. This pre-conference education is included in the full conference registration package and will offer attendees the opportunity to experience various sports field management practices in action. Attendees will rotate through 5 stations where they can interact with their peers and learn how to improve field operations.
Station 1: The Toro Company will demonstrate basic sprayer calibration based on pressure and speed. The math, determining boom width, and performing a catch test will be outlined. In addition, machine sprayer calibration will be explained. Spray uniformity and correct nozzle selection will also be covered.
Station 2: Hunter Industries will present why irrigation system audits are important and how they can help justify ROI for renovation.
Station 3: Carolina Green Corp. will demonstrate the typical tools and methods used for field testing and evaluation. A brief description and demonstration will be provided about the tools, proper usage, improper usage, and purpose and benefit of the information each can provide. Attendees will then have the opportunity to try out the tools. Emphasis will be on tools and methods available to sports field managers that they can use regularly at their facilities.
Station 4: Redexim will conduct a laser leveling demonstration.
Station 5: John Deere will be demonstrating various thatch management practices. They will discuss the aeration benefits that core aeration, solid tine, and deep tine provide along with frequency recommendations. Benefits of verticutting with information about depth, thatch removal, material removal and frequency will be discussed. Additionally, clean up practices and topdressing benefits and frequency will be covered.