SFMA’s Town Hall meetings bring members of the industry together to learn about how sports field managers are setting their fields up for a successful reopening. The session features a panel of sports field professionals discussing the strategies they have been using to keep their fields healthy during a time of labor and budget shortages. The goal is to share information and learn in real-time how everyone is adapting to this changing environment.
Our next Town Hall meeting is on Tuesday, June 9 at 3 pm ET and will feature professionals from the Parks and Recreation and K-12 sectors of our industry.
Want to catch up on previous Town Hall meetings? Access them on SFMA’s YouTube page:
Parks and Recreation and K-12 – Panelists: Abby McNeal, CSFM, Jody Gill, CSFM, Jimmy Simpson, CSFM; Moderator: Ryan DeMay
Baseball/Professional – Panelists: Matt Parrott, Steve Lord, CSFM, Andy Ommen; Moderator: Keith Winter
Agronomics – Panelists: Dr. Grady Miller, Pam Sherratt, Dr. John Sorochan, Dr. Chase Straw; Moderator: Ryan DeMay
College and University – Panelists: Jason Smith, Chris May, Thomas Goyne, Chris Webb, CSFM; Moderator: Zachary Willard
Professional/Rectangle Sports – Panelists: Dan Shemesh, Nick Fedewa, Sun Roesslein, CSFM; Moderator: Jeff Salmond, CSFM