SFMA’s public relations program continues to gain national, regional and local attention for members’ field management practices. In July, SFMA received 25 publicity hits that resulted in a reach of 99 million visits that month. Stories and news appeared in many high-profile media outlets, such as MiLB.com, Parade Magazine, CBS, ABC, and PurdueSports.com.
The dues increase that was initiated in 2018 has helped to fund the PR program, which is managed by Buffalo.Agency, headquartered in Reston, VA. The program involves public relations—news releases, member and industry stories and contests—and a strong social media campaign consisting of Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. One of the strongest campaigns is #DayInTheLife, which is composed of tweets and posts highlighting individual members and their work.
SFMA has the largest presence with Twitter at 5,714 followers, an increase of 134.5% from June 2017, followed by a 184% increase in Facebook page likes from last year bringing it to 3,983.
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