
Turf Rundown – What’s Next with Glyphosate? Top Ag Retailers Weigh in on Roundup

Effective against both broadleaf weeds and grasses, glyphosate quickly became the agriculture industry’s most popular herbicide for grower-customers to control stubborn weeds in their crop fields. Furthermore, with the introduction of glyphosate-resistant Roundup Ready crops in the mid-1990s, the popularity of the herbicide increased ten-fold.  The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) released a report that looked at the safety of glyphosate and concluded that glyphosate was a “probable carcinogenic.”  This article explores what the future may hold for glyphosate.

Glyphosate is often used to control weeds in sports field management.  Dr. Bryan Hopkins presented Chemical (Glyphosate, Fertilizer, etc.) Exposure: Health Concern? at the 2020 SFMA Conference.  To access the session recording, please click here.