SFMA is offering the following webinar and the Professional Grounds Management Society (PGMS) has given SFMA members access to its professional development webinars. See details on how to register below.
Tuesday, June 14 at 2 pm EDT
Breeding Zoysiagrass for Sports Fields
Chrissie Segars, Ph.D. – Texas A&M AgriLife Extension and Ambika Chandra, Ph.D. – Texas A&M AgriLife Research
Zoysiagrass, a warm season turfgrass, is adapted to the tropical regions as well as the transition zone of the US. The interest in the use of zoysiagrass on sports fields is increasing. With proper selection of varieties and proper management practices, zoysiagrass will produce high quality playing surfaces with fewer inputs. This seminar will review the history, genetics, development, performance, and use of zoysiagrass on sports fields. Participants should learn a brief history of zoysigrass, the current available cultivars, plus their strengths and weaknesses as well as the latest agronomic and pest management strategies to provide peak performance.
Attendees should come away with a bigger understanding of how breeding programs are developed and how cultivars are chosen to move forward. Discussions will be focused on breeding zoysiagrass for sports fields and current research that Texas A&M is undergoing to assess traffic tolerance and recovery of commercial and experimental zoysiagrass.
REGISTER HERE – https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ZzwQ7X6wR-aNGTV2DWOziQ
SFMA members have also been given access to webinars PGMS is hosting:
PGMS® extends complementary registrations to SFMA members for the following webinars:
Wednesday, July 13 at 1 pm EDT – How to Recruit, Retain and Manage a Diverse Workforce
Wednesday, September 21 at 1 pm EDT – How to Manage Employee Turnover and Improve Employee Retention
To register, create a prospective/non-member account following the steps below:
Please contact info@pgms.org with any questions.