
Version 3.0 of SFMA Environmental Certification program coming

The SFMA Environmental Committee is working on version 3.0 of the facility certification program. It should be ready for testing in early 2020 with a full-scale rollout in late spring or early summer. This version has an additional section: Managed Landscape and Open Space, bringing the total to 11 areas of assessment. However, if a sports field manager does not have responsibility for landscape or open space areas, he or she will not be penalized and can still pursue Environmental Facility Certification.

Certification is valid for three years, and the program is
currently in the process of recertifying those who attained it in 2016.
To-date, four facilities have been recertified. They are:

USC Upstate Soccer Complex, Bruce Suddeth, CSFM

Red Bull Arena, Zachary Holm, CSFM

Red Bull Training Facility, Zachary Holm, CSFM

Prairie Ridge Sports Complex, Elliott Josephson

Vickie Wallace chairs the Environmental Committee and its
members include Zachary Holm, CSFM, David Gerken, Blair Elliot, Richard
Calarco, CSFM, Kevin Mercer, CSFM, Eric Harshman, Jim Cornelius, CSFM and
Jeremy Husen.