
Little League Softball World Series

Tune in to this year’s Little League Softball World Series! SFMA is pleased to announce that a number of our members will be part of an all-female volunteer grounds crew in charge of all 8 days of the tournament, including the championship game, which will be aired on ABC on August 13th. The earlier games will be streamed on ESPN+, then transition to ESPN 2, then ESPN, culminating with the championship game on ABC Sunday night. Also, Little League will host two Athletes Unlimited (professional softball) games held Wednesday night at neighboring East Carolina University softball stadium. This crew will be responsible for preparing and maintaining that field as well.

The tournament is entirely held on one field, Stallings Stadium at Elm Street Park in Greenville, North Carolina. The crew will be responsible for all the field maintenance before, during and after the games. This is the second year for this all-female crew to come together, but with Little League hosting the tournament in Greenville for at least the next 4 years, it is the beginning of a tradition.

Led by the planning committee of Sun Roesslein, CSFM, Nina Oldenkamp, Amy Fouty, CSFM, and Chris Ball, CSFM, the crew has grown to 20 members this year, with more than half being SFMA members.

SFMA volunteer members include:

  • Kim Britton (Saint Anselm College)
  • Amy Fouty, CSFM (The Motz Group)
  • Jacqueline Horn (Pittsburg Pirates)
  • Tara Jordan (City of Greenwood Village)
  • Sarah Martin, CSFM (City of Phoenix)
  • Maritza Martinez (St. Louis CITY SC)
  • Cheryl Miller (Asheville Tourists)
  • Megan Muesse (Texas A&M University)
  • Nina Oldenkamp (Odey’s Field Experts)
  • Sun Roesslein, CSFM (North Area Athletic Complex-Jeffco Schools Athletics)
  • Chrissie Segars, Ph.D. (PBI Corporation)
  • Robin Wilson (Windham School District)